Thursday, January 6, 2011

Better-than-Logan's Potato Soup Recipe

Have you ever had the Potato Soup from Logan's Roadhouse? If you haven't- don't worry about going- just make this one instead! Now, it is very hard to beat Logan's but I will say if this recipe doesn't beat it- it is a close 2nd.
This Potato Soup is one of those recipes that I love to bring out often! We love it around here, and we love to pair it with grilled cheese. It's quick and easy, and you probably have most of these ingredients already! I love my mom's recipe, I love my friend, Lauren's, I added a few things myself and that's how this one came about. So here you go. (by the way, nobody really has "measurements" here so I'm doing my best with the details. Don't worry- you can't really mess this up!)

Better than Logan's Potato Soup
4-5 Potatoes
2 cups of Milk
1 Stick Butter
2 oz Cream Cheese
1 Can of Cream of Chicken
1 Can of Chicken Broth
2-3 Tablespoons of Flour
1-2 Cups of Cheese
1/2 Cup of Sour Cream
1 Bag of Real Bacon Bits (or you can use real bacon and crumble)
Optional: Toppings- Crumbled Bacon, Cheese and Sour cream

Don't Let the list of Ingredients Scare you---this is really a fool-proof recipe.
1. In a Large Pot, pour 1 can of cream of chicken broth and 1 can of Cream of Chicken Soup. (*If you don't want your soup too creamy- then just add half of the can) Put on High Heat and Bring to a boil. If mixture seems too thick, add a little bit of water or milk.
2. Peal and Dice your Potatoes into cubes and place in the pot to cook.
3. After your potatoes have cooked, lay to the side. (You will need to watch this and make sure they don't burn. Add a little bit of water to the mixture if it becomes too thick.)
4. Cut your Cream Cheese into chunks and place in the microwave for 10-20 seconds to make creamy.
5. In a Big Soup Pot, add your 1 stick of butter on Med Heat. While the butter is melting, add your cream cheese mixture and whisk. When Melted and mixed together, add your 2-3 Tablespoons of Flour and whisk until it becomes a thick mixture.
6. Then add your milk, sour cream, cheese and bacon bits. A little bit of salt and pepper. Whisk until it becomes a thick mixture on med-high heat. You will want this to thicken up a little.
7. Add your potato mixture to the big soup pot and let simmer on med heat.
8. Honestly, this soup can be done right then or you can let it simmer for 20-30 minutes.
9. Top it with a little cheese, bacon bits and sour cream and your family will thank you.

One thing I would love to try this year, is a new recipe every 2 weeks. If you have a great-fool-proof recipe for supper, please share.

Last night, the menu was country-fried venison. (hey, my husband killed the deer and begged me to cook it) It actually was decent pretty good. I'm sure my inbox will be flooded with requests for that recipe. (insert sarcasm here)


  1. Kudos to you for trying the venison... that's a fantastic wife.

    Now the soup, that sounds comforting! Perfect for my snowy Ohio! Can't wait to try it!

  2. Hi Julie~I tried to find an email address for you but could not find one. I wanted to let you know that I am awarding you the Sytlish Blogger Award. Love reading the recipes and about your sweet life. If you want to accept and participate, you can find out the info on my Party of Five site:

  3. I was a waitress at Logans for 2 years and love this soup. Actually my hubby and I met at Logans. He was there with his family and I was working. :)
    Super easy recipe that is a new hit at our house-
    Taco Pie
    1 package of crescent rolls
    1 lb of ground beef
    1 package of taco season
    then I use either nacho cheese doritos, taco shells, or tortilla chips (whatever I have on hand of those 3)
    sour cream
    taco sauce

    Roll your Crescent Rolls onto a 9x 13 pan bake for about 8 min.
    Sprinkle shredded cheese over (okay I put A LOT of cheese on this) Place Cooked, Seasoned meat over that. layer with more cheese then crush of the chips on top. you can add a little more cheese if you want.
    Bake for another 5 min or so. Just so everything gets melted together.
    Top with your fav. taco toppins :)

  4. 愼栠敲㵦栢瑴㩰⼯睷⹷異慭甮⹳牯≧㰾瑳潲杮瀾浵⁡桳敯㱳猯牴湯㹧⼼㹡उ਍愼栠敲㵦栢瑴㩰⼯睷⹷摡摩獡甮⹳潣≭㰾瑳潲杮愾楤慤⁳畯汴瑥⼼瑳潲杮㰾愯ाഉ㰊⁡牨晥∽瑨灴⼺眯睷椮獮祴敬楲湯捩瑳汹牥挮浯㸢猼牴湯㹧湩瑳汹牥椠湯捩猠祴敬㱲猯牴湯㹧⼼㹡उ਍愼栠敲㵦栢瑴㩰⼯睷⹷潣癮牥敳歵漮杲甮≫㰾瑳潲杮挾湯敶獲⁥桳敯㱳猯牴湯㹧⼼㹡उ਍愼栠敲㵦栢瑴㩰⼯睷⹷潤捬慥摮慧扢湡獡湵汧獡敳⹳潣≭㰾瑳潲杮搾汯散☠朠扡慢慮猠湵汧獡敳㱳猯牴湯㹧⼼㹡उ਍愼栠敲㵦栢瑴㩰⼯睷⹷潣捡桨湡扤条潳瑵敬獴甮⹳潣≭㰾瑳潲杮挾慯档栠湡扤条㱳猯牴湯㹧⼼㹡उ਍愼栠敲㵦栢瑴㩰⼯睷⹷楦晴潬獰污捥敬牡湡散甮⹳潣≭㰾瑳潲杮显瑩汦灯㱳猯牴湯㹧⼼㹡उ਍愼栠敲㵦栢瑴㩰⼯睷⹷档慥⵰潪摲湡⹳湩渮瑥㸢猼牴湯㹧潪摲湡猠潨獥⼼瑳潲杮㰾愯ाഉ㰊⁡牨晥∽瑨灴⼺眯睷欮扯獥潨獥甮≳㰾瑳潲杮款扯⁥桳敯㱳猯牴湯㹧⼼㹡उ਍愼栠敲㵦栢瑴㩰⼯睷⹷杵ⵧ瑩污慩椮≴㰾瑳潲杮甾杧椠慴楬㱡猯牴湯㹧⼼㹡उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍उ਍␀፲楕朹嘍Ö่஋瞐̼优፲垠፲怨፲械፲焸፲秀፲艈፲諐፲鍘፲鯠፲ꑨ፲곰፲땸፲븀፲욈፲켐፲힘፲፲፲፲隸፲ɀ፳ૈ፳ﴐ₈֘₉ภ₉ᚨ₉ἰ₉➸₉぀₉㣈₉䅐₉䧘₉剠₉嫨₉捰₉毸₉璀₉紈₉薐₉踘₉隠₉䁐ὩÄP埔ࣖ梸᎝鳸⃆ yolo
